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Hazardous crossings Joining Use the slip road tobuild up speed andjoin the traffic flow ata suitable gap. Slip roads Take care not to blockout cars trying to jointhe main carriageway. Crossings Don't try to nip through asmall gap in the trafficstream. It may paniconcoming drivers intobraking too hard. Right turns Watch out fordrivers slowingdown to enter aslip road on theright. Pulling out If there is no sliproad, acceleratesmartly to avoidholding up thetraffic flow. Limited visibility Overgrown bushescan limit your view ofthe oncomingtraffic.

The most dangerous type of junction is tht where a minor road meets a dual carriageway that has cars travelling at high speed. Apart from those vehicles crossing the dual carriageway, others are joining and leaving at the same place. Slip road junctions on to a carriageway are also difficult. They can cause bunching in the traffic stream and may lead to sudden braking.

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Negotiating road junctions

The road junction is a zone where care and judgement are always needed. There are many different...